
Update Version 4.4

  • Authenticator App verification was added for 2-Factor-Authentification (2FA). The option can be set in [Administration => Account => Login settings].

Update Version 4.3

  • Uploading an image for a camera or camera set can now be done by clicking the small camera icon when hovering over the cameras picture on the "Cameras" page. If the P2P-Information is provided for the camera, it is now also possible to receive a live-snapshot of the camera and save it as the camera image.
  • The preview of an alarm event was changed to "on click" to prevent unnecessary server load. Each preview will show the first 5 seconds of the alarm event. To show the complete alarm event you need to open it in the full view.
  • The option [Login settings] was added in [Administration => Account]. This allows setting up 2-Factor-Authentification (2FA) and changing the password settings.
  • The menu [Data Agreement] was added in [Administration].
  • The option [Update payment info] was added in [Administration => Account] and also in [Administration => Storage] and will be shown to users that have at least one payment method added from current/previous subscriptions.

Update Version 4.2

  • Webhook feature has been added and can be found under Alarm settings => Webhook. It is now possible to have alarm requests sent to your custom server or home automation.
  • Performance and stability improvements

Update Version 4.1

  • Filter menu layout has been updated
  • Additional filter options have been added for the optional features
  • You can scroll to the top in the alarm preview tab by clicking on the scroll-up icon
  • Performance and stability improvements

Update Version 4.0

  • License detection is now optionally available. This feature is effective if the cameras is positioned to specifically capture license plates of cars.
  • Face detection is now optionally available. A certain person should be detected reliably after you have confirmed about 20 videos with footage of said person.
  • The 30 day trial with the storage and detection features is now independened from the account creation and can be started manually by the account owner. The free base account without active storage features can be used for Alexa and IFTTT integration.
  • Alarm related notification settings have been separated from account related notifications and can now be found in the tab [Alarm settings].
  • Camera list and camera sets can now be found in the tab [Cameras].
  • Camera sets are now represented by a colored marker in the camera list. the set name will be shown on mouse-over.
  • Falsealarm, rain, object, license and face detection can be quickly enabled/disabled by icons in the camera list.
  • The tab [Administration] has been reworked.
  • In the Tab [Administration] you will now find [Support Access]. This feature will allow INSTAR Support to directly login to your account to locate account specific issues. If you enable the support access, INSTAR support will be able to login to your account without your password. As long the support access is enabled, there will be a notification on top of your screen to indicate that access to your videos by INSTAR support is currently possible.
  • Subscription based storage options

    Note: Storage option that have been originally aquired by coupons ARE NOT SUBJECT to automatic extentions. If you want to keep using the storage options, you will have to subscribe to a customized storage plan before or after expiration.
  • [Seen] and [Not Seen] have been removed from the option bar of the previews. The option is however still accessible in the option bar of the multi-selection.
  • Performance and stability improvements

Update Version 3.2.2

  • Object detection is now available.
  • You can share recordings with INSTAR in order for us to further improve the detection.